This is where the 42" buffalo fell. Ernest is on the left, obscuring the view of the mighty Motsome, on the right. Motsome was a dynamic man. His name means "hunter" in Setswana. My digital camera batteries went dead soon after this, so the pictures of me posing with the buff went on slide film. Later I hope to add more pictures of the gang. This buffalo came too easy. One shot through the heart at 75 yards off shooting sticks. It required one hour on the first day of buffalo hunting to get this one down on the ground. The rifle was the 416 Rigby, in a Ruger 77 Magnum topped with a Leupold 1.5-5X scope. The bullet was a a GS Custom 380 grain FN at a muzzle velocity of 2509 fps. You can't beat GS Custom for quality. It sailed right through heavy shoulder bone and pierced the top of the heart. A .416" caliber entrance wound and a bloody bigger hole going out the other side. The buffalo bucked once like a rodeo bull then spun 90 degrees and staggered forty yards before falling and giving the death bellow. |
 Left to right: Ernest, Motsome, cape buffalo. The bull was actually a big bodied one, the pose under the bush with the men in the foreground does not do him justice. Don't forget to check out the red lechwe below. |  |